Instruction video showing how to program your VE.Bus product in VE. On computers with internet, Windows will automatically download the correct driver itself. To install the MK2-USB / MK3-USB driver on a computer without internet, first download the MK2-USB / MK3-USB driver using VEConfig3 and install it by selecting the menu Special -> USB Drivers. Only afterwards connect the MK2-USB / MK3-USB to your computer for the first time. USB driver installation program for MK2-USB /
To connect your computer to a VE.Bus product (Multis, Quattros and Inverters), you need a driver for MK2-USB (ASS030130000) / MK3-USB (ASS030140000) and an RJ45 UTP cable (ASS030064xxx and ASS030065xxx). Check Your Antivirus Software Settings 5. Turn On Camera Access in Windows Settings 3.